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2025 Guide for Elimu Library

The Elimu Library, an essential part of the Elimu Taking Schools Online Program, continues to revolutionize education by providing easy access to high-quality learning materials for teachers, parents, and students. As the 2025 academic year begins, t

Elimu Library Unveils New Grade 8 Schemes of Work

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Elimu Library Unveils New Grade 8 Schemes of Work for 2024 Aligned with CBC Curriculum Nairobi, Kenya – November 16, 2023:  Elimu Library, a leading provider of educational resources in Kenya, today announced the r

Importance of Schemes of Work

As a teacher, having a good scheme of work is essential for effective teaching. A scheme of work is a document that outlines the learning objectives, content, and activities for a particular subject, class, or grade level. It helps teachers to plan t

Kenya Primary Education Development (PRIEDE) Project

The Kenya Primary Education Development (PRIEDE) Project The targets of the Kenya Primary Education Development (PRIEDE) project funded by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) to the tune of Sh. 8 billion in line with the Competence Based Cu


Learners in secondary and primary schools have been encouraged to use the internet to conduct meaningful research so as to gain useful knowledge that will enable them to improve their performance in national examinations. Principal Secretary in char


Dear Principal, RE: CS FIRST CLUBS IN KENYA Computer Science First: An Overview CS First ( is a Google program created by educators and computer scientists that introduces coding andcomputer science to students in a collaborative and


In February, 2021, the ministry of Education with the support of Ministry of Health and Ministry of Sports Culture and Heritage developed the Covid-19 safety and health protocols/guidelines that will enable the gradual and safe resumption of Co-curri

Elimu School Website Launch: Noonkopir Primary School

Last term saw the launch of a special website in our network: Noonkopir Primary School, . The school is located in Kajiado County and is a beneficiary of an Internet connection project by UNICEF and launched by the Princip

Factors that Influence Career Choices

Why do people opt for careers in which they do? For example, why would a person choose to be a plumber as compared to a surgeon? There are different reasons leading to why a person pursues the career in which they do. Some of these factors are positi

Finding Your Life Purpose and Goals

A life purpose! This is a phrase that we come across very often. Personally, I never used to give much thought to it. It can be very confusing to think about, I mean what is even a life purpose and how in the world are we supposed to know what it is

Integrity in administration of exams

Migori March 28, 2021 The Principal Secretary for Early Learning Basic Education and early learning Dr. Julius Jwan has said cheating in examinations messes up the careers and lives of the students. He said the students who end up getting marks or

How To Choose A Competitive Career

Every year, we receive thousands of inquiries from school leavers on the various programmes they can undertake at University and tertiary institutions. Whereas a few of them seem to have reasonable knowledge on post-secondary training, there are nume

    A Way of Life

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