The school is situated two kilometers from Karen – Dagorretti Road and provides a serene and calm environment, conducive for learning. The infrastructure are ultra modern and the school provides and open and relaxed atmosphere for students. Within the compound we have KIST college students who carry out various agricultural activities in the school farm.


The school offers 8.4.4 curriculum from form 1 to form 4. The school is single streamed of not more than 35 students and students get individual attention. Academic results in KCSE are excellent producing good performance, 2016 best performed students had A-.

Academic departments offer sound career choices. We offer a variety of subjects to our students which include:

  • English
  • Kiswahili
  • Mathematics alt A
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • History
  • Geography
  • CRE
  • Business
  • Computer Studies
  • Agriculture
  • Art.

The syllabus coverage is timely since the teachers utilize the extra time in the evening and morning. This programme rikindles the hopes of the few struggling students to focus and post good grades.  Academics clinics are organized for every class.


The teaching staff comprises of enthusiastic competent and carefully recruited teachers who are committed to the core business of the school. Our vision is to create a school of excellence ie a school where character and talent of the learner is developed. All teachers are housed in the school which makes it easy to teachers to monitor the progress of the students by the minute.

Our support staff is very committed to ensure that high standards are maintained at all times. The aim of every member of staff in our school is to inspire.


The school offers several games which include football, volleyball, basketball, rugby and indoor games like scrabble, table tennis and chess. Students participate in interhouse , interschool and regional competitions.

Clubs are well organized which includes wildlife, karate, science and journalism.


The school has well equipped modern chemistry, physics and biology laboratories which are well stocked and apparatus are maintained. A qualified laboratory technician takes our students through practical sessions.

The classrooms are tiled and well lit with lockable metal doors. The dorm is well maintained and cleaned by hired cleaners. It is divided into cubicles of four students each.

The dining hall is spacious with a capacity of 1000 students fitted with a television screen for students to watch news and international matches.


Our school accommodates all faiths, though catholic based. The priest presides over mass every Sunday and Thursday.


Discipline is key to our academic progress. Students are not allowed to keep money. New admissions are well vetted before being allowed to our school. The students are encouraged to show maturity in their behavior at all times. Since our students come from diverse backgrounds, they are advised to be accommodative to each other.

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