St. Elizabeth Academy Bamburi campus is a school establishment that offers quality, modern, yet affordable educational servicesat Pre-schoolKindergarten, Primary and Secondarylevels.

The school is located at Utange area Bamburi, 500metres, off Bamburi – Shanzu road. It is located in a quiet, expansive landscape that provides a serene atmosphere conducive for the learning process, away from noise-polluted townstreets.


At St. Elizabeth , we are guided by our motto ‘A Way of Life’ that encompasses creating a learner friendly environment where each individual learner is viewed as unique whose potential is identified and nurtured to enable him/ her develop into a successful, well balanced and socially adjusted individual.We provide excellent education in the 8:4:4 curriculum. A homely environment provides opportunities for both formal and non-formal knowledge acquisition. 



In St. Elizabeth Academy Bamburi, we believe in the principle of strict discipline and upright moral integrity with learners expected to conform to this without exception.

All learners are accorded equal, fair and prejudice-free treatment regardless of their cultural, religious or social backgrounds. Our Guidance and Counselling department ensures continuous support to achieve this.


The school is run by experienced educationalists and motivated teachers.

The school has always recorded good results in past national examinations ranking well above many private and public schools.This ensures that all learners transition smoothly from one academic level to the next.

The school is also agames powerhouse having produced excellent performance in football, netball and volleyball with several regional titles under its belt. A very vibrant co-curricular culture and subject support clubs and societies ranging from scouting to performing arts are very popular.


Worried about how to get to school? Worry no more. The school is equipped with buses that offer safe and reliable transport.

Other key salient features include:Talent identification and nurturing, Moral values and Discipline, Clean and secure Environment, Cheerful and eager to Learn Pupils, Scholarships for Bright Needy Children, and Numerous Educational and Recreational trips among others.


As a Private school, we argue, we can play—indeed, are already playing—an important, if unsung, role in reaching not just the affluent and middle class, but also the needy and satisfying their educational needs. The school has a low pupil-teacher ratio, high teacher commitment, and superior academic facilities. These factors have contributed to the good performance of learners in this institution. Consistent good examination results have provided a solution to parents looking for a school that offers quality education.


We pride in mouldinglearners to citizens with a solid background that equips them with skills for career progression and knowledge to tackle the many life’schallenges

More importantly we encourage you to contact us and give us the opportunity to provide you with holistic learning solutions for your child.

God bless you.







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